ICF Personal Credentialing / Mentoring Program

Who is the ICF?

You have probably heard of the ICF and perhaps you are not sure of the role that it plays in coaching. The International Coaching Federation is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to professional coaching. Although there are many organizations doing the same work as the ICF, the ICF is best known for setting professional standards and the core competencies that define the mission of professional coaching. There are currently 143 chapters in eighty countries and territories. The ICF is far and wide with broad diversity. 

Graduating from ICF accredited programming informs clients that the coach has received the education and follows the ethical standards required of a certified coach. To coaching peers and clients, it shows that the coach is committed to the coaching industry and that they constantly strive to develop as a coaching professional. Receiving the ACC certificate can help the coach gain further recognition, particularly in the corporate industry decision.

What is ICF Personal Credentialing?

The personal credentialing program is designed to develop and refine the skills of the coach. Our coach education programs build the professional coaching portfolio and prepare the coach for the complex issues you will support clients through. Mentor coaching for an ICF credential consists of coaching and feedback in a collaborative, appreciative and dialogued process based on observed or recorded coaching sessions to increase the coach’s capability in coaching, to ensure alignment with the ICF Core Competencies.

ICF personal credentialing takes place over an extended time (three-month minimum) in a cycle that allows for listening and feedback from the Mentor Coach while also allowing reflection and practice on the part of the individual being mentored.  Mentoring provides professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the levels of coaching competency and capability demanded by the desired credential level. Mentor Coaching should take place over an extended time (three-month minimum) in a cycle that allows for listening and feedback from the mentor coach while also allowing reflection and practice on the part of the individual being mentored. Mentor Coaching should take place over an extended time (three-month minimum) in a cycle that allows for listening and feedback from the Mentor Coach while also allowing reflection and practice on the part of the individual being mentored.

Personal Credentialing Levels:

Your coach training, as well as your level of coaching experience or amount of time coaching, is the main distinction between the various levels of credentialing.

  • Level 1 training represents a minimum of 60 to 124 accredited learning hours, and is designated as Associate Certified Coach (ACC). Graduates from a Level 1 education and training programs may apply for the ACC Credential using the Level 1 application path if they meet the credentialing requirements. These requirements include the ICF Mentor Coaching package.

  • Level 2 training represents a minimum of 125 to 175 accredited learning hours and and is designated as Certified Professional Coach (PCC). Graduates from a Level 1 education and training programs may apply for the PCC Credential using the Level 1 application path if they meet the credentialing requirements. These requirements include the ICF Mentor Coaching package.

The path you choose to take will be dependent on your current experience, any previous coach training hours and the additional training hours received through our programs at The Life Coach Certification.

A Word About Accreditation

We remain in compliance with the International Coaching Federation to retain an accredited Level 1 and Level 2 program provider. We cannot control the ICF policies regarding personal credentialing. This means that should you attain ACC or PCC personal credentialing status, you will receive the additional generalized designation of Associate Certified Coach (ACC Level) or Professional Certified Coach (PCC Level).

An ICF Credential is an additional professional certification indicating that you have met specific standards and requirements designed to develop and refine your coaching skills. It is an additional indication that you are dedicated to upholding strong principles of ethical behaviour in coaching that you were taught during the undertaking of your training program.

Holding any formally recognized coach credential is extremely important to today’s coaching clients. The 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study by the ICF, found that 85% of coaching clients say it’s important or very important that their coach holds a current certification or credential. Our programming offers both options.

As the ICF Mentor Coaching Program is regulated in the number of seats available for each cohort, there is often a wait-list. Before you register for this program, it is important that you are 100% committed to completing the program. It is costly when a participant registers and then chooses to drop out of the class. It also disrupts the momentum and team spirit of the cohort.  Joining this program means that you will have cleared your schedule to make time for the classes. Furthermore, you understand that should you drop out of your current cohort – for any reason, whether within your control or not – there are no refunds and you will pay the full program fee once again to join a new cohort in the future.

The ICF Mentoring Program is the path to ICF personal credentialing and is purchased as an add-on at the time of sign-up for your program or within 3-months after your program start date. We recommend that you speak with an intake specialist if you are unsure if this program is right for you.


Legacy Approved Coach Specific Training (ACSTH) Hours:
If a coach has legacy ACSTH hours instead of the current updated Level 1 hours, they must first complete The Bridge program to align with the current credentialing requirements. The Bridge program is designed to update and enhance their skills, ensuring they meet the standards set by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Level 1 and Level 2 Hours:

If a coach has already acquired Level 1/Level 2 hours, they need to first show proof of having completed the required hours from an ICF-accredited school to be eligible for credentialing.

Mentor Program Duration: 10-hours delivered over a 3-month period. (includes 7 group sessions and 3 one-on-one sessions).

Class Schedule: Once a week.

Program Delivery:
instructor led. Zoom Classes.

Prerequisites for ACC: 60 to 124 Training Hours

Prerequisites for PCC: 125 to 199 Training Hours

FULL COST: $1,100.00 USD

This option may be added to your full course program purchase or use the stand-alone button below for single purchase of this package.